[ RadSafe ] Hanford

JPreisig at aol.com JPreisig at aol.com
Mon Feb 6 00:11:53 CST 2012

      From:    _jpreisig at aol.com_ (mailto:jpreisig at aol.com)     
      Sorry to hear about your Dad.  Am241  amounts would be in Curies.  A 
Rem  estimate is
probably computed over some time period???  I don't know of any  doctors 
doing this kind of
work.  Your Dad is up there in years.  Was he a smoker????
     There is a dose assessment group working on things  like this at Fort 
Belvoir.  Some fairly
serious people work in this group, I think.  Perhaps D.O.E. has  similar 
dose estimation groups.
I see contractor companies hiring people to do this kind of dose  
assessment work also.
Contact them.  
     Hire an Atttorney for an hour or two to look into  the problem???
     Hope you find some good resolution to this  problem.
     Regards,    Joseph R. (Joe)  Preisig, PhD
In a message dated 2/6/2012 12:19:10 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
duke99301 at yahoo.com writes:

I am  trying to find some one to help me find a doctor who can help me with 
dose and  chemical reconstruction. My father worked at Hanford for 40 plus 
years and he  was exposed to chemicals  and after he retired he received a 
letter  Informing him he received a dose to his lungs still embedded in his 
lung of  AM.241 the report stated he got the uptake of 4.971Rem and it still 
embedded  in his lung.
On the bottom of the page it read worker was never  informed.
Heals suffers from asthma and has now been told he has  Parkinson's I am 
trying to get him help under the part E. Compensation . 
I  am an alara eng and right now I do not know how to help him. Please 
respond to  my e mail below

Mark sasser
duke99301 at yahoo.com
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