[ RadSafe ] Imminent threat????

Ahmad Al-Ani ahmadalanimail at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 2 23:38:02 CST 2012

You went too far thinking. That same rhetoric rendered Iraq a basket case state.

Alternatively, get the Palestinians and Israelis agree on a two-states solution, afterwhich Iran's execuses to hit Israel vanish. 

I hope this thread does not catch fire, as it is in the wrong forum. 

On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 07:00 AST (Arabian) JPreisig at aol.com wrote:

>Hi Radsafe:
>     From:    _jpreisig at aol.com_ (mailto:jpreisig at aol.com)        .
>     Hope you are well.
>     I read on google news or whatever today that Iran  has or will be 
>conducting mid-range rocket/
>missile tests, and that, I think, the tests went well.  The news item  
>specifically announced that these
>missiles could reach Israel.  Whoa???!!!!  This is a bit radical  or 
>     This news item is from a country that has  hundreds of centrifuges and 
>a "civilian" nuclear power
>program.  My Lord, such a country could possibly afford a suitcase  nuke 
>(from the former USSR
>if such nuke weapons actually exist) or a nuclear device purchased from  
>North Korea or 
>wherever.  We (USA) know Iranian scientists are capable of nuclear  weapon 
>design.  Heck, students
>at Princeton U. and elsewhere have presented fundamental designs for  
>working (???)
>rudimentary fission devices.
>      Is a first strike event scheduled for Israel  (Tel Aviv or some other 
>major city????) to occur in the
>next few minutes or few weeks????  Multiple such missiles and nuclear  
>devices could level most 
>of the major cities in Israel...Quickly!!!!   I'm not Jewish or  Israeli, 
>but maybe it is time for Team
>Obama (USA) to do something a bit radical here.
>     My suggestion is to give Iran fair warning of 5  days to get their 
>workers away from the
>centrifuge facility and/or nuclear plant(s).  Then, the USA and/or  allies 
>should drop bunker
>buster bombs (delivered by planes???), conventional explosive warheads  
>delivered via cruise missiles,
>or conventional explosive warheads via ICBM's.  This action should be  
>considered now.  At the 
>very least, diplomatic channels between the USA (and allies) and Iran  
>should be wide open
>right now.  I hope USA intelligence is on this problem right  now.
>     Is World War III imminent???  Will the  Mayan's be right about the 
>world ending in 2012, for a 
>reason different from what they envisioned????  Is the Bulletin of  Atomic 
>Scientist's clock set
>to one minute before Midnight (or whatever) right now????
>    I'm a bit fearful for any citizen of Israel right now  and I am dead 
>f____g serious about the 
>words I have written here.  Somebody needs to act soon.
>    I truly wonder if the Russians or Chinese would react if  we destroyed 
>these Iranian facilities with
>no loss of life.  I don't know the answer.
>    Regards,     Joseph R. (Joe)  Preisig, PhD
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