[ RadSafe ] Co-60 tissue box holders: applicableregulationsfordisposal

Rich Gallego rich at tgainc.com
Mon Jan 23 20:40:52 CST 2012


The internet will forever be changed if people start taking that

Rich Gallego

-----Original Message-----
From: radsafe-bounces at health.phys.iit.edu
[mailto:radsafe-bounces at health.phys.iit.edu] On Behalf Of Steven Dapra
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 6:20 PM
To: The International Radiation Protection (Health Physics) Mailing List
Subject: Re: [ RadSafe ] Co-60 tissue box holders:

Jan. 23

         When I don't like what someone has to say I often use the delete

Steven Dapra

At 06:20 PM 1/23/2012, you wrote:
>As a personal friend of Franz Schoenhofer, I advise you that your 
>comments are entirely off base.  His perspectives are based on a career 
>as a regulator for the Austrian government.  Perhaps his messages read 
>as pointed, however this is no doubt due in part to his communicating 
>in a second language (and how good is your second language?).  In my 
>experience, Franz is neither anti-USA nor elitist; however, he does not 
>tolerate nonsense, and he is devoted to good science.
>I really don't understand the motivation behind your rant, but 
>certainly Franz has a "God-given" right to comment on anything he 
>pleases, including any post by anyone of any nationality.  So quit 
>waving your big American flag as if it gives you some sort of 
>superiority over those of other nationalities on the RadSafe list.
>Susan Gawarecki, PhD, PG
>Robert Young wrote:
>Dr. Schoenhofer,
>I have read your vitriol (anti-USA or pro-academic elitist ) comments 
>long enough, so I would like to put a stop to them as much as possible. 
>My answer to your 1st statement is just get over it if we don't compose 
>our messages like Term Papers; It is an American Thing. Since I do not 
>believe that you are an American, you lack any standing and DO NOT have 
>the right to comment on how any American Citizen may "organize his 
>thoughts" on Radiation Protection.
>Now on to your 2nd point. You are absolutely correct that "doserate 
>measurements were reported, but to me they do not seem to be exorbitant 
>high", however as you well know (which one can deduce from your 
>previous RAD-SAFE comments), the average citizenry of the United States 
>are not all Ph.D. level scientists. You see in America, we can be what we
want to be.
>This may mean that some Americans are Nobel Prize winners and others 
>are Ditch Diggers (and this is not a cheap shot at Ditch Diggers), but 
>we have the right (both God given and U.S. Constitutionally protected) 
>to be as much, or as little as we want..  As a Health Physicist, I try 
>daily to educate every person I come in contact in order to attempt to 
>give a perspective to Dose vs Dose Rate, but nearly every time the term 
>Nuclear, Radioactive, or Radiation is used in the US Press, it has the 
>mushroom cloud as a back drop.  This is hard to over come by just one
>BTW, I understand that Germany will completely abandoned the use of 
>Nuclear Power by 2022 as a direct result of the Fukushima Daiichi 
>nuclear disaster in 2011. You and I both know that the only way to ween 
>ourselves off Carbon based fuels is Nuclear. Yes Fusion is preferred to 
>Fission, but we have Fission right now and it can power our 
>Universities, Homes, Government Offices, etc. RIGHT NOW. Fusion is a 
>noteworthy endeavor and one that significant global resources should be 
>used to perfect, however, it is not a commercially viable option at 
>this time. The Global Energy needs are for now and the future, not just 
>the future only. This knee jerk reaction by the German Government / 
>Chancellor Merkel just shows (to me anyway), that
>  Government Leaders and others need a better education in all aspects 
>of nuclear power on both side of the Atlantic.
>Robert Young

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