[ RadSafe ] Poll North Korea progress or regress?

Emil kerrembaev at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 12 09:47:37 CDT 2013

Here is the Poll:
Is this a whole ordeal with North Korea signs of progress or regress?
Just looking, without any judgments, politics and emotional load.
Is this a sign of what?
"Low" tech country can make nuclear device and can place it on intercontinental ballistic delivery system. As was reported this morning by released US intelligence report.
Other story:
"Low" tech individual can make fully capable large drone. under $1500 a pop.
http://sw4s.narod.ru/index.html (sorry it is in Russian)
Computer technology has developed THAT much in the last 50 years or so .
Of course "low" tech country would not be able to develop an IPhone or Galaxy but probably is capable of making a simple cell phone. Do you see where analogy goes?
Okay, we are keeping genie in the bottle. Are we seriously thinking to STOP or just slowing down the natural development of things? Are we seriously thinking that it is a matter of "IF". I think, it is matter of "WHEN". 
Acceptance vs Denial?
I heard once an old timer told me: If you think you can control other people, try to control your own cat.
Have a Great and Safe Weekend Everyone.

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