[ RadSafe ] Icaria & LNT

Brad Keck bradkeck at mac.com
Mon Jul 29 17:57:49 CDT 2013


Believe it or not,  this has been studied in some detail by  Trabidou and Florou (Radiation Protection and Dosimetry, Vol 142, p. 378).  They say  "the working personnel in the thermal spa installations are exposed to significant radiological risk due to waterborne (222)Rn with a maximum dose rate up to 35 mSv y(-1), which led to overexposure in terms of the 20 mSv y(-1) professional limits."  

Apparently, the Ikarians do this while consuming the local red wine, olive oil and goat's milk AND having a mountainous walk and nice nap everyday, while not smoking :}    The only extraordinary hazard there I can find is the melting of one's wings while soaring too near the sun :}   

Perhaps there is a study group forming and I can vounteer to consume wine while sitting in a hot spring daily for some length of time? 



Bradly D. Keck, Ph.D., CHP 

 On Jul 27, 2013, at 06:34 PM, George Stanford <gstanford at aya.yale.edu> wrote:

 This evening ABC TV aired a news report on how
 inhabitants of the Greek Island of Icaria live, and stay
 healthy, 20 years longer than people in the rest of
 Europe. The story attributed the longevity to diet and
 exercise. On the Internet I find that the radiation level
 on Icaria is elevated due to a lot of granite, but I haven't
 found what the dose level is.
 Does anyone know of measurements made on Icaria?
 Seems to me that's an important part of the story.
 -- George
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