[ RadSafe ] In-Flight radiation

JPreisig at aol.com JPreisig at aol.com
Tue Feb 3 00:01:51 CST 2015

RJ Barish/Radsafe,
     Looks like some good papers to read on  HP/Aviation/Exposure etc.  
Cosmic Rays, other exposure mechanisms are  probably time-varying, so it might 
be good to continue doing measurements,  modeling, theory in these areas of 
research.  Have at it, JJS, RJ Bartish  others.
     Joe Preisig
PS eRHIC etc. accelerators to be built over the next 20 years.  Any  other 
USA, world accelerators to be built over this time frame????
 message dated 2/2/2015 6:19:17 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
robbarish at verizon.net writes:
Included  here is most of a posting I sent to RADSAFE sixteen months  ago:

These are some of my papers on the subject, including  three in Health 

R.J. Barish. Health Physics Concerns  in Commercial Aviation. Health Phys. 
59: 199-204 (1990)

R.J. Barish.  Health Physics and Aviation: 1990-1994. Health Phys. 69: 
538-542  (1995)

R.J. Barish. In-Flight Radiation: Counseling Patients About  Risk. J. Am. 
Board. Fam. Pract. 12: 195-199 (1999)

R.J. Barish.  In-Flight Radiation During Pregnancy. Obstet. Gynecol. 103: 
1326-1330  (2004)

R.J. Barish. Radiation Risk from Airline Travel. J. Am. Coll.  Radiol. 1: 
784-785 (2004) 

R.J. Barish. Health Physics and Aviation:  Solar Cycle 23 (1996-2008). 
Health Phys. 96: 456-464 (2009)

R.J. Barish  and S. Dilchert. Human Resource Responsibilities: Frequent 
Flier Radiation  Exposure. Employ Respons Rights J. 22: 361-369 (2010)

(The last  paper specifically addresses the issue of frequent flyer 
exposures and  potential employer obligations to those workers.)

and there’s  also my book:

R.J. Barish. The Invisible Passenger: Radiation  Risks for People Who Fly, 
2nd Edition, Advanced Medical Publishing (Madison,  WI: 2008) ISBN: 
1-883526-13-2, ISBN13 978-1-883526-13-2

To be  honest, after seeing the European Union require mandatory dose 
assessment for  flight crew in 1990, while the FAA still to this date makes the 
subject a  voluntary educational topic for airline management to either teach 
or ignore,  I’ve just about given up on any further interest in the  topic.

CDC-NIOSH has been performing epidemiological studies on  groups of female 
flight attendants looking for increased mortality from breast  cancer and 
melanoma. Their results on a cohort of more than 11,000 women show  “ no 
evidence of increased breast cancer or melanoma mortality.” Pinkerton LE,  Waters 
MA, Hein MJ, Zivkovich Z, Schubauer-Berigan MK, Grajewski B.  
Cause-specific mortality among a cohort of U.S. flight attendants. Am J Ind  Med. 2012 

So unless one is interested in using  these thousands of low-dose (but 
definitely measurable) exposures of hundreds  of thousands of flight crew 
members to advance the idea that exposures in this  range refute the LNT 
hypothesis, I don’t see much more coming out that will be  useful. 

Perhaps the added exposures discussed in detail by  Shonka and Bramlett 
(SPE, SNE, SGE) in their January Health Phys paper make  the failure to note 
any increase in cancer mortality by CDC even more  supportive of the possible 
failure of LNT.

Robert Barish,  CHP
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