[ RadSafe ] Anti-Nuclear Brainwashing of the Masses - Mind Control and Peaceful Murder

Jaro Franta jaro_10kbq at videotron.ca
Sun May 15 08:57:45 CDT 2016


dunrenard is an alias of Herve Courtois.



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From: radsafe-bounces at health.phys.iit.edu [mailto:radsafe-bounces at health.phys.iit.edu] On Behalf Of Roger Helbig
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2016 8:53 AM
Subject: [ RadSafe ] Anti-Nuclear Brainwashing of the Masses - Mind Control and Peaceful Murder

Mind Control and Peaceful Murder

by dunrenard (this man needs to be exposed by his real name and real qualifications instead of his fake name - he is really a coward at heart when he is not man enough to use his real name)

May 15, 2016 by Mikkai

The sentence: “What will our children think” – is an anachronism.
Nothing they will think, because they lack the comparison. The whole organization of public life, of learning in schools and universities, the work of agencies, think tanks and experts has only one aim: The reality is taken as an always “self” updating structure, a constant presence. Thus, disasters become accidents, and accidents become an event. Embedded into “risks” – meaning nothing to worry about.
Invisible disasters such as in Japan are perfect to persuade us, as if nothing had happened.
We should not rely on the power of our children, and simultaneously reduce their perception. But that’s what happens every day. Along with the radiation damage, each second.

Why are there protections hoaxes in cyberspace all the time? The sun flowers, the radiation eating bacteria, and the “positive thinking”?

– Fake science, fake ethic.

– To keep claims for compensation small and / or unjustified (long time effects of radiation are not accepted by IAEA and WHO, and so by the Health Ministry

– keep evacuation zones small

– The invention of trivialization of nuclear accidents

– Limitation of the policy of Decontamination

– How to re integrate irradiated areas into economy

– (increasing or flexible) dose limits for all people

– To force the Japanese population to accept on behalf of the economic efficiency unhealthy living conditions and contaminated food and contaminated water

– To relieve TEPCO: The burden of proof is imposed on the victims rather than on the polluter of the contamination

RESULT: The industry can go on.

Who is behind all this? Well, here is your answer:

Rockefeller founded many organisations and think tanks during World War II. The search was on, for Mind Technology during War Times, to be implemented into the masses, the public. The dream of a solider who sacrifices oneself without thinking (like a japanese kamikaze) for the rulers, without even thinking of it. The public sould become like this, the normal man, even the pregnant women.

Among these organisations and agencies founded was the Centre d’Etudes de Problemes Humaines de Travail, which today is the Centre d’études de l’emploi (CREAPT):

Founded at the same time was also the Association pour la Recherche er L’Intervention Psycho-sociologiques in France: http://www.arip-ics.org

10 years before Chernobyl the Centre d’étude sur l’Evaluation de la Protection dans le domaine Nucléaire was founded:

As they say on their website, this program has four members
(financing) their research: “The association currently has four
members: the French public electricity generating utility (EDF), the Institute of Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN), the French Alternatives Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) and AREVA.”

What has CEPN done? Well, it founded Radiation “Protection” Programs in Belarus and Japan: CORE and ETHOS:

In Japan is the Psychological Institute at Kyushu University, which is represented by the Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies:

In the U.S.A. there is of course the American Medical Association and the American Psychatric Association: http://www.ama-assn.org/ama and https://www.psychiatry.org/

Reactors explode, irradiate the masses and these organisations, brainwash the victims to stay where they are, in irradiated areas.
This avoids the cost explosion of evacuation of maybe hundreds of million of people. With psychological back power they transform the public, the media, the politicians, and even the victims’s thinking, that nothing is as bad as it seems, that one could protect againt radiation effects.

The Nuclear Industrial Military Complex explodes reactors, studies the effects via their own programs, and forces the people into the role of guinea pigs. They eat up all remaining NGOs. And then act for the people. Our perception is then brainwashed by their psychological task force. This causes a psychotic holocaust, which then becomes a cellular holocaust, because of the radiation. Normally this kind of reversing something, a good thing which is bad, feels quite “satanic”.

This is the reason, why there is this radiation “Protection” hoax going around, from sun flowers, to bacteria, that eat radiation and event the crazy “think positive” ideology, especially in Japan’s culture and the 2011 aftermath. It is all done by the same people, who caused all these disasters.

Here is a typical, cynical statements which shows it all, it was said b a CORE expert in Belarus:

“If we continue to treat them like victims, they feel like victims”
Zoya I. Trafimchik, coordinator of the CORE program:

This is the Crime of CORE. Mind Control of the Radiation Victims, and then Peaceful Murdering them.

The Main Pro Nuclear Program in Japan is ETHOS right now, acting as if they help the victims: http://ethos-fukushima.blogspot.de/

To understand this criminal program in Japan, look at the CORE program in Belarus: The Budget of the CORE program: 5 Million EUROs was the CORE budget. But there are also papers which show a Budget of 4 Million EUROs. The truth is: You need Billions of EUROs to “handle”
Chernobyl: More than 6 Million people are still living in irradiated areas in Belarus. How to evacuate them? Build endless houses? Why such a small budget? If you would push more money into it you would admit that Chernobyl was what it was: An unpayable Catastrophe. And one 2nd
thing: You would admit that atomic power is unpayable – none of the atomic reactors on this planet are assured. A big crash like the Chernobyl one would cause a damage of 2 – 5,000,000,000,000 EUROs in the U.S. or in the E.U.

Here is an Opinion about CORE Program: http://spring96.org/en/news/1244

Chernobyl program CORE has the aim to “end” Chernobyl. By helping people to die (not to live!) in irradiated areas. The only state supported program.

The Chernobyl aid-program in Belarus was stopped in 1994 / 95: PAGE 62 of this presentation :
http://www.life-upgrade.com/DATA/NesterenkoChernobyl-Belarus.pdf and a new “pro nuclear” program replaced it

CORE – or “on how to end Chernobyl (atomic reactor explosion 1986 /
radiation) and the resettlement of people in contaminated areas in Belarus”

CORE – from “Cooperation” and “Rehabilitation”. Rehabilitation means:

CORE – program launched in Belarus: “Bragin”, “Chetschersk”, “Slavgorod” and “Stolin”.

CORE – the successor program of the failed program “ETHOS”


The already existing Chernobyl NGO’s do not play a role in the CORE program, beside themself participate on CORE – with their own (already
short) budget – raised from international donations. Pro nuclear programs CORE and SAGE are powered by french atomic industry: EDF, Areva and the CEA.

“For a quarter of a century a systematic crime against humanity has been perpetrated by people in senior positions at the heart of Europe.
The people living in Western Europe, so advanced technologically, remain indifferent and largely disinformed. In order to preserve the consensus around the military and civilian nuclear industry, the nuclear lobby and the official medical establishment have, for the past 26 years, knowingly condemned millions of human guinea pigs to an experiment on their bodies with new diseases in the vast laboratory provided by the territories contaminated by Chernobyl. Children are being treated like laboratory animals, under observation from French and German scientists, and French NGO’s like the CEPN, Mutadis Consultants, ETHOS and CORE, who must take their share of the responsibility. (Translator’s note: CEPN is the Centre d’étude sur l’Evaluation de la Protection dans le domaine Nucléaire ; Mutadis, ETHOS and CORE are all offshoots of the French nuclear industry, financed either through Electricité de France or the Autorité de Sureté Nucléaire.) The same fate awaits the Japanese people and their children living in areas contaminated by the Fukushima disaster because the same strategy is being put in place in Japan with the same players, the same pseudo-scientific justifications and under the aegis of the same authorities.” MORE: http://independentwho.org

“…the IAEA will endeavour to organize conferences, seminars and workshops, in cooperation with the University, with the aim of enhancing public awareness of radiological effects on human health and addressing the issue of “radiation fear” and post-traumatic stress disorders in the Fukushima population…”

“it is recognized by the World Health Organization that the International Atomic Energy Agency has the primary responsibility for encouraging, assisting and coordinating research and development and practical application of atomic energy for peaceful uses throughout the world without prejudice to the right of the World Health Organization to concern itself with promoting, developing, assisting and coordinating international health work, including research, in all its aspects.” http://www.iaea.org/Publications/Documents/Infcircs/Others/inf20.shtml#note_c

It is remarkable how reports always include “stress” / “fear” / “might” / “concern” / “risk” / “Danger” in their headlines and MAINgoals of reporting. The real damage occurring moves into the background. The dead, the injured, not worth looking at, only the concern counts. This is important, especially during nuclear catastrophes (which never end), to create the illusion of an “end”, to overcome the “current situation”. This is not about hope or strength, but to cover up, so that the Holocaust industry can live on.

Nourished by the death of children, sponsored by the IAEA and the World Health Organization. I present you two instruments which are
used: 1) The invention of an unethical, non-medical term:
“Radiophobia” and 2) the exclusion of NGOs as alarmists. Compare everything you have read and seen with this information. Be ready to see everything in a totally new light. Even the term “stress” is today overused, for everything, as if stress is something new in human history and could be responsible for all the diseases. It’s not.
Internal Emitters from Reactors are. Risk is a virtual term, which conceals existing, current, happening damage.

Japanese people hear it from Fukshima day One: “Panic and fear of radiation is much worse than radiation itself” At the Chernobyl IAEA forum the term “Radiophobia” was invented and used: “What’s worse, the IAEA is going public these days with statements ridiculing the so called “radiophobia” of the population and calling for an end of aid programs, which, according to the IAEA report of 2005, only serve to instil a victim mentality in a totally healthy population – a claim not only cynical, but potentially dangerous for the health of the affected population.” Source:

Source: https://tekknorg.wordpress.com/2016/05/15/mind-control-and-peaceful-murder/

dunrenard | May 15, 2016 at 12:05 pm | Tags: Chernobyl, Cover-up, Fukushima | Categories: Fukushima 2016 | URL: http://wp.me/phgse-nxf

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