[ RadSafe ] Refreshing Editorial in Chicago Tribune

Franz Schönhofer franz.schoenhofer at chello.at
Mon May 23 10:35:57 CDT 2016


These findings , that more screening will dwetect more cancers is not new 
but it was argued already shortly after the Chernobyl accident. Sorry, using 
anti's vocabulary it should read "catastroph", "disaster" or similar. This 
decade old interpretation was not really questioned then, though we can read 
frequently that the number of thyroid cancers in" children is now (2016!!!!) 
rising. No problem, the anti's attribute this effect now to "radiation". 
Obviously it is now not radioiodine which is the culprit. Maybe cosmic rays 
or extraterrestrial material?

The old saying "I have made up my mind, don't disturb me with facts" is like 
almost always applicable, but it might be extended. "If the facts do not fit 
to my opinion we have to change them."

Best regards,


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- 
From: Roger Helbig
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2016 3:39 PM
Subject: [ RadSafe ] Refreshing Editorial in Chicago Tribune

The anti-nuclear Nuclear News gang is furious with this editorial and
of course is demanding correction


Roger Helbig
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