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Re: Uranium Workers Used in Experiments
Neon John wrote:
> It wouldn't matter if Big Tobacco had packaged up 20 little syringes
> of pure nicotine in each pack - you made the conscious decision to
> use a known-beyond-the-shadow-of-a-doubt killing and addictive
> product. Big Tobacco didn't prey on you - they simply provided you
> with what you chose to consume.
Here we have a case with tobacco where both parties are responsible for the harm
tobacco provides. The person who smokes is responsible for smoking the cigarette.
The tobacco companies are responsible for not telling the public all the truth about
smoking until too late in the process. And people still choose to smoke now knowing
what we know about the ill effects of smoking. Humans are clearly not all
rational. For which I say, hooray! Some emotions are great!
> If this kind of illogic continues to prevail, then none of us are
> safe. They've done it to the tobacco industry. They're trying to
> do it to the firearms industry. What next? One of my businesses is
> a restaurant. Do I need to worry that someone will accuse me of
> being part of the Giant Cholesterol Conspiracy for serving tasty
> food? Am I going to have to compensate all the lard-asses out there
> because they ate too much, got fat and had a heart attack?
If you listen to Rush Limbaugh, you will hear him say upon occasion that just what
you propose is being bandied about in Congress and elsewhere. Actually you are
already paying for the medical costs of eating too much fat, particularly for those
over 65 who are on medicare. I just had a triple bypass and medicare paid about
$30,000 for it. Such payments happen all too frequently. Medicare payments are
made from medicare taxes which you, if you pay such taxes, are paying. Thanks.
> Saying that Big Tobacco preyed on the poor innocent smokers is on
> the same level of prevarication as asserting without fact that
> environmental levels of radiation are harmful and then forcing us
> (radiation industry) to compensate them for the "damage".
It's actually all Americans who will pay for this compensation. We'll pay because
the benefits of the nuclear industry will now be curtailed because it costs too
much. And because all increases in costs are ultimately born by the public. The
antis will have won after all.
Richardson's actions, if upheld by Congress and the Court, will be the death of the
nuclear industry, IMHO. It's that serious. And Gore is considering him for VP?
> I spent a career fighting the anti-nuclear hysteria. But you know
> something? I've come to the conclusion that the fight is not
> winnable.
Oh, I hope not. I have not come to that conclusion and will never so long as
evidence does not exist that low doses are not safe. Occasionally, such as right
now, I get a little down in the dumps when the federal executive (that I did not
elect) does something with which I completely disagree. However, there is an
election coming up and we know that different administrations do different things,
even to the point of reversing some of the previous administrations actions. The
truth will out and the truth is ultimately on our side.
> Intellectual entropy pretty much guarantees a continual
> increase in the level of stupidity in the population and there's
> nothing our little group can do about it.
I just educated three ladies today on the effects of microwaves, EMF and ionizing
radiation. They got it. Little by little we will win.
> Anywhere there is a
> population of people who believe in UFOs and black helicopters and
> giant conspiracies such as the tobacco industry is accused of will
> believe what the intellectual entropists tell them. Especially if
> it comes out of the boob tube.
Not everyone believes in those things.
> Given that the population ALREADY believes that low level radiation
> is already deadly, in direct contradiction of all available credible
> evidence, then it follows that segment of the population where the
> ignorance coefficient is particularly high will believe the lie
> about medical radiation. Given that, then I consider their refusing
> life saving medical procedures involving radiation to be Darwinism
> at its finest. I will spend my political effort toward preventing
> the state from using my tax dollars to coddle them in their death
> throes in the aftermath of their decisions. Let them live with the
> consequences of their stupidity.
OK, I understand your point. And then there are all the others whom we can help
know the facts.
Al Tschaeche antatnsu@pacbell.net
org:Nuclear Standards Unlimited
fn:Al Tschaeche