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Re: Uranium Workers Used in Experiments

Bob Flood wrote:
> At 05:00 PM 2/9/00 -0600, you wrote:
> >
> >Can you imagine a junkie saying "geez, I'd
> >never have gotten addicted had that mean old dealer not given me
> >such strong smack!"
> >you made the conscious decision to
> >use a known-beyond-the-shadow-of-a-doubt killing and addictive
> >product
> Incorrect

Oh?  Someone forced you to smoke against your will?

> Check up on the history of this subject. No one even accused the
> tobacconists of manipulating nicotine until the 80's, at which time the
> industry vehemently denied it. In the 90's the smoking gun (pun intended)
> was discovered, internal documentation showing the industry knew of the
> addictive qualities and modified the product to take advantage of it. The
> heroin addict doesn't have much of an excuse for not knowing the stuff is
> addictive. But the tobacco industry worked long and hard and invested
> extraordinary amounts of money to keep their activities quiet. And they
> succeeded for a long time. The ultimate release of their internal documents
> demonstrating what they'd done is what changed everything for the industry
> in the court decision - your logic had been successfully used to defend
> every smoker lawsuit for decades until they were found to have deliberately
> altered the addictive qualities.

C'mon Bob, surely you can't believe what you just wrote.  To use
your emotion-laden words, I "manipulate" the flavor and portion size
to make people eat too much food in my restaurant. (I call it
"giving them what they want.")  The car maker "manipulates" the
pleasurable sensations that a new car delivers in order to encourage
you to "spend beyond your means" and buy the thing.  This is past
absurdity.  When all the rhetoric is stripped away, YOU (and all
other smokers) decided to smoke.  YOU did so despite knowing that
the product is dangerous and addictive. And you consumed whatever
number of cigs it took to provide the amount of nicotine it took to
make you feel good.  And now you're trying to rationalize that
aberrant decision making by trying to pass the buck to the
manufacturers.  Would you also claim that the pimp forces the john
to be a customer because he recruits particularly pretty whores? 
Get real.  It's not about malfeasance.  It's about greed and the
cult of victimhood.

> >Am I going to have to compensate all the lard-asses out there
> >because they ate too much, got fat and had a heart attack?
> That's a bit farther afield than I care to go.

Why?  I see no functional difference between overeating and
smoking.  In both cases the self-described victims try to blame
others for their misbehavior.

> Well, you acknowledge the misinformation - you even used to fight it. But
> you gave up, and now those who will be most harmed by the continued
> misinformation deserve to die, huh?

There's that buck passing again.  "will be most harmed"?  Rubbish. 
Those people harm themselves by a) deciding not to acquire a
sufficient education for rational decision making and b) by choosing
what to believe.  If they choose to believe the anti-nuke
propagandists, then THEY are responsible for whatever happens to
> Check the schools and see who receives any education about radiation. 

What does the school have to do with it?  OH, I know.  Pass the buck
for educating ones' kids off to the state.  Thank God my parents
didn't fall for that one.  

This debate solidifies my conviction that all hope is gone for
educating people about radiation.  If someone as obviously educated
as Bob believes in this cult of victimization, then what hope is
there to convince the unwashed masses?  Sure am glad I retired
before the end of nuclear.  I just HATE funerals.

BTW, Bob.  Both of my parents smoked for 40+ years until one day in
my presence, they made a pact, shook hands and said "Enough".  Cold
turkey.  And neither of them had even an inkling of "manipulation"
or anything else their evil former suppliers are now accused of.


John De Armond
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