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RE: sealed sources


They do not need to be leak tested if they are in storage (in this case in
your waste).

The question of whether they need to inventoried is complicated by the fact
that you are declaring them to be in the waste.  If you are holding them for
a long time before sending them to disposal, it is likely the regulators
will want an inventory.  If you were just holding them in storage, you would
need to inventory them.  

I've declared sources as waste and put them in my waste area. However, I
still inventory them to be on the safe side if I am holding them for a long
time (because maybe there is no place to send the source, 241-AmBe sources
being a good exapmple).  To make the process simple, I had a special shelf
in the waste area for the sources.  Clearly/boldly labeled and lined up by
the order on my inventory sheet, the inventory process was real quick, with
little or no dose to me.
Be careful that the source does not have chemical properties that the EPA
may regulate.  You cannot hold an EPA regulated material.

Hope that helps.

Larry Grimm
	UCLA Radiation Safety Division
*	On Campus: CHS A6-060 MS 957061
*	Off Campus: UCLA Radiation Safety Div, 2195 West Medical Building,
Los Angeles,
	CA 90095-1764
*	lgrimm@admin.ucla.edu   Phone:310/206-0712   Fax 310/794-5825
*	If this email is not RSD business, the opinions are mine, not
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