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>>> Jeffrey J Hoffman <hoffmanj@dteenergy.com> April 3, 2000 15:26 >>>
>Can some of you actually be arguing against ALARA?
No, but I will argue about the "R" part, what is Reasonable!
>Don't you think it good to minimize your dose? If your natural yearly dose is 1R and you
>save 25mr from a man made source, have you not saved the body from being
>exposed to 25mr?
If 65 mph is starting to get dangerous, is 66.625 that more dangerous?
>If I shoot at you 5 times a year with a gun and miss, do you
>care if I try 2 more times? I think you would mind.
To use the same analogy, I can achieve the same results by shooting
50 people with a bb gun, as I can by shooting one person with a shotgun.
>25mr may or may not be harmful but why take the chance?
>Why drive on the highway during rush hour if you don't have too?
You're in a definite minority there, otherwise there would be no rush hours.
By the same analogy, you could generate a good argument for banning
high-school and college football, because young people occasionally
die from these activities, and ban golf, because people are killed by lightning.\
Frank R. Borger - SeniorSupport Engineer, Gammex RMI
fborger@gammex.com phn 608-828-7289 fax 608-828-7500
Oh NO!!! Captain America's traded in his T28 for a Rooski Jet!
Say it isn't so, Gail Richards!
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