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RE: Without Honor in Their Own Country
Now you've gone too far. This is exactly why some of us get upset about
"sick" workers whining for benefits. Invariably, it does not matter whether
working in nuclear facilities caused them to be sick. All that matters is
that they are sick and they used to work in a nuclear facility, so the
government (out of my billfold) better just pay up. That's as wrong as
dismissing their complaints as having no basis. Its still a case of taking
an action without investigating whether or not the action is appropriate.
By the way, I've spent 26 of my 33 years as a radiation protection person
working for DOE contractors, and I don't agree with your opinion that "DOE"
or "nuclear facility managers" (both groups with no face or personality that
can be attacked at will) made a pact with the devil or operated with
deliberate evil intent. In fact, the thing about DOE that infuriates me is
their tendency to pay off "sick" workers or whining malcontents (some call
them whistleblowers) instead of standing up to them. And no, I don't
believe that all whistleblowers are whining malcontents, but I do believe
that all whining malcontents are rewarded with the title and protection of
"whistleblower" regardless of their lack of education,experience, or
knowledge that would qualify them to decide what is safe and what is not.
That's just my opinion.
Les Aldrich
> -----Original Message-----
> From: EASlavin@aol.com [SMTP:EASlavin@aol.com]
> Dear Steve:
> perhaps
> some of you could offer suggestions about how to draft the "interim
> presumption" for the workers' compensation legislation, so that those who
> have illnesses can be compensated without having to prove causation.
> With kindest regards,
> Ed Slavin
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