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Of interest to Indian Point and EP folk.

Here is a message that might be of interest to someone at Indian Point or
folk involved with emergency planning.  It also gives some insight into how
some folk currently perceive severe accidents.

"Dear All,

I know there are many experts out there and I hope someone can either
provide some information or at least direction as to how to research it.
Ideally, I need to be able to speak to these points at a morning meeting on
Tuesday, but if I don't have the answers by then, I will need the info for

One of the tacks we are taking in pushing for the shutdown of Indian  Point
is to argue that the evacuation plan is and will always be  inadequate.  I
have a number questions which would help with this  argument:

1)  In an average meltdown (ie. in a majority of plausible scenarios in
which there is a serious accident), what is the likely time it will take for
an area to become so hot that people will be dying from exposure  (ie. dying
directly, not from developing cancer over the following  years)?

2) In an average meltdown (ie. in a majority of plausible scenarios in which
there is a serious accident), what is the likely radius that will  need to
be evacuated?  What percentage of serious accidents would  require
evacuation of an area of greater than a 20 mile radius from the  plant?

3)  For the accident in Chernobyl, what distance from the plant needed to be
evacuated (radius in miles) and how long did it take for the area near the
plant to become so hot that people were dying from exposure  (ie. dying
directly, not from developing cancer over the following  years)?"

Don Kosloff dkosloff@ncweb.com
2910 Main St, Perry OH

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