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Re: List of materials containing naturally occurring nuclides
Some additional information:
Camera lenses (of high quality cameras) and lenses from other high quality optics may
contain thorium (either applied as coating or mixed with the glass) (not uranium)
Thorium may also be found in gas mantles, and sometimes in high temperature resistant
alloys used for exhaust pipes or engine casings (magnesium-thorium alloy).
High thorium concentrations may also be found in older types of rock wool, used for
oven isolation or in fire doors for example. (this material often sets off the alarm
of radiation detectors at scrap yards)
Also mind slack products (both uranium and thorium with daughters)
William V Lipton wrote:
> 1. camera lenses - These often contain uranium.
> 2. abrasives, such as sand for sand blasting - Be especially careful with "black
> beauty" grit. This is highly radioactive.
> > 1. I'm putting together a list of items which may contain radioactive material
> > (naturally occurring) and are headed for the Restricted Area (Aux Bldg.) which
> > our RP Techs will be on the look for in order to establish a baseline so that we
> > can demonstrate that the item's radioactive component is not a result of
> > systems/processes in place at our plant. Thus, I'm soliciting your assistance
> > with the list.
> >
> > For example, CRT screens - tungsten weld rods - .....
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