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RE: K-40 Thread
> It's been a while since my days as a Medical Lab Tech, but I seem to
> recall
> the 'normal' range for potassium being 4.5 - 5.4 milliequivalents/litre in
> plasma or serum. Since one equivalent is the concentration of a an ionic
> species needed to give one 'mole' of charge, this is essentially
> millimolar. I'm pretty sure that K+ concentration varies among tissues,
> so
> you can't use this to calculate total body potassium.
One thing I do remember is K is low in extracellular fluid
(including blood plasma) and high in intracellular fluid. This is the
reverse of the situation with sodium. If I remember correctly, most K in
the body is in muscle tissue. Also, much of the basal metabolic rate is due
to the energy requirement of maintaining the K/Na levels in intra and
extracellular fluids against their concentration gradients. I also seem to
remember that a relatively small change in plasma K results in instant
death, so I'd suppose this is under tight control, through controlled gut
sorption and excretion through the kidneys.
Personal thoughts only
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