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re: Picture this ...
I was just wondering why all the HP's don't just love and hug all those people
who say that even one "smackerell" of deadly radiation needs to be "squashed"
and eliminated. Do you have any concept of the JOB SECURITY that comes from
such an attitude? What kind of empire can be built on the purely altruistic
devotion of protecting every member of the work force and the public from the
nefarious femtosieverts of the world. How much will someone pay you to give
them or society eternal life by trapping this "bogie man," called radiation?
Just my random thoughts, on a day when I should be working instead of writing
this; I guess I will work overtime this evening.
Thanks, John P. Hageman
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Original Message - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A group of 6 prominent health physicists sitting at a table in front
of a Congressional hearing, and one by one they state their name, and
state categorically "I do not believe that radiation causes any
negative consequences, whatsoever." Sound familiar? Simply change the
word radiation for tobacco, and that's what the scene would look
like. Far fetched? ......
- - - - - - - - - - - - End of Original Message - - - - - - - - - - - -
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