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RE: DOE Cites Argonne LabSubcontractor for Nuclear Safety Violations
Hi all:
Let me see if I have this right:
1) A low-life employee plans to steal some scrap metal (potentially
2) A diferent, but intelligent, employee sees the metal at a loading dock,
recognizes there is a problem, and heads off to report the problem.
Meanwhile, the low-life takes off with the stolen goods.
3) Management's response to the reported problem is so swift that the
low-life does not have time to unload it from his truck.
Has any regulator ever considered issueing a Notification of Praise for
responding as well as Argonne did? By the way, I see a lot of parallels
with this incident and the University theft/contamination incident(s).
Larry Grimm
UCLA Radiation Safety Division
* On Campus: CHS A6-060 MS 957061
* Off Campus: UCLA Radiation Safety Div, 2195 West Medical
Building, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1764
* lgrimm@admin.ucla.edu Phone:310/206-0712 Fax 310/794-5825
* If this email is not RSD business, the opinions are mine, not
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