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Re: Alnor TLD Reader

At 12:44 20.04.2000 -0500, you wrote:
>I have an Alnor "DOSACUS RE-1" Tld reader.  I would appreciate any contacts
>about operations and repair.  
>Thank you,


ALNOR is a Finnish company, based in Turku. I think you can easily find
their web-site, using ALNOR in a search. If you are not successful, please
contact me and I will provide you with the address. I have it in my office,
but I am a private participant in RADSAFE and therefore writing this from
at home. 


Franz Schoenhofer
Habicherg. 31/7
A-1160 Vienna
Tel.: +43-1-495 53 08
Fax.: same number
mobile phone: +43-664-338 0 333
e-mail: schoenho@via.at

Hofrat Dr. Franz Schoenhofer
Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management
Radiation Protection Department (BMLUW I/8 U)
Radetzkystr. 2
A-1031 Vienna

phone: -43-1-71172-4458
fax: -43-1-7122331

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