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We recently started allowing non-Lockheed Martin employees to use a large
Co-60 irradiator we own. These individuals are required to attend our
radiation safety training, be approved by our Radiation Safety Committee as
Authorized Users, and are issued LM dosimetry. Their dosimeter results come
to me mixed in with LM employee's dosimetry results. For privacy purposes,
if an LM employee wants to know their exposure history I require a written
request over the individual's signature. Now I have received a request from
the Human Resources department of the employer of these non-LM employees for
a copy of their dosimetry records "for their files."
My question is, do I still require a request from the employee, or do I send
the information to the HR department? How do y'all handle this?
Thank you in advance.
Donald P. Mercado
Radiation Safety Officer
Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Missiles & Space - Sunnyvale Operations
O/EK-20, B/101
1111 Lockheed Martin Way
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Ph. (408) 742-0759
Fax (408) 742-0611
Email: Don.mercado@lmco.com
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