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Re: Why are you posting to RADSAFE?????
- To: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
- Subject: Re: Why are you posting to RADSAFE?????
- From: Franz Schoenhofer <schoenho@via.at>
- Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 22:48:10 +0200
- In-Reply-To: <a0431010ab5327730a565@[]>
- References: <42.4d26df4.263e1f36@aol.com><42.4d26df4.263e1f36@aol.com>
At 19:22 30.04.2000 -0500, you wrote:
>The following is NOT a Flame. It is a commentary on how I feel about
>Norm, his daring to ask us for information, and how he has been
>How dare anyone ask this gentleman "WHY are YOU posting to radsafe?"
It was not anyone, but "me". I asked it because I was really curious, why
somebody would post to a scientific newsgroup, but obviously does not
accepting any clear and scientific information, which was clearly indicated
by the comments on the Tooth Fairy Project, which is in my opinion and
others as well unacceptable.
I have given a lot of scientific information, without flaming Norman, I
have even offered to take discussion to private e-mail, so that he should
not be afraid that his contributions would be wide spread and probably
would harm him in his anti-nuclear engagement. Neither the information nor
the offer has been accepted. This is how I get suspicious and would like to
know the reasons for his postings. I have not had any message from him
which would indicate, that he feels offended by my posting. And if he
would be offended, I can only tell you that most RADSAFErs would have any
reason to feel offended, because we are constantly - also by Norman -
accused of causing or at least defending enhanced breast cancer rates,
elevated infant mortality, thyroid cancer etc. etc.
I fully stand for my comment.
Franz Schoenhofer
Habicherg. 31/7
A-1160 Vienna
Tel.: +43-1-495 53 08
Fax.: same number
mobile phone: +43-664-338 0 333
e-mail: schoenho@via.at
Hofrat Dr. Franz Schoenhofer
Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management
Radiation Protection Department (BMLFUW I/8 U)
Radetzkystr. 2
A-1031 Vienna
phone: -43-1-71172-4458
fax: -43-1-7122331
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