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Re: Radioactive baby teeth flag cancer rate

> "The mother eats milk and vegetables and cheese and the
> strontium 90 goes up the food chain. The biggest thing is pre-natal
> exposure," Dr. Sherman said. "These kids are getting it in utero (in
> the womb).
> "So if you're talking about the healthy (nuclear) workers, these are
> men who may not drink much milk. And they are already developed."

Sickening as usual.

Key point: The milk generally consumed doesn't come from the area 
around the nuclear plants that they condemn. In most cases, it's 
shipped in from other areas. Conclusion, if it;s in the milk, it's 
from fallout.

Sandy Perle					Tel:(714) 545-0100 / (800) 548-5100   				    	
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