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Re: Brinkley and Millstone
At 06:55 PM 5/7/00 -0500, Norm C. wrote:
>> May 7 2000
>> Uptown Girl fights upwind nuclear plant
>> Tom Rhodes, New Jersey
>> WHEN Christie Brinkley, the model, left the exhaust fumes of New York
for the
>> seaside charm of the Hamptons more than 14 years ago, she imagined
spending a
>> bucolic life with her children far from the horrors of pollution.
>> Instead, she fears they may be harmed by emissions from a nuclear power
>> station that could soon be bought by a British firm.
May 7, 2000
Davis, CA
This article is short on truth, and long on bias. Sternglass is no longer a
Professor at Pittsburgh, and should not be so described. Most leukemia is
not caused by radiation. Although exceedingly high doses and dose rates can
cause myeloid leukemia, this is not actually "a rare form of leukemia". The
amount of strontium-90 in teeth shows that exposure of people was trivial
even in the 1950's.
Brinkley, Baldwin, and many others have been misinformed by alarmist
activists for whom the scientific method is irrelevant.
It is not clear that anyone at the "tooth fairy" project even knows how to
measure Sr-90 in teeth since it and its daughter are virtually pure beta
Prof. Otto G. Raabe, Ph.D., CHP
Institute of Toxicology & Environmental Health (ITEH)
(Street Address: Bldg. 3792, Old Davis Road)
University of California, Davis, CA 95616
E-Mail: ograabe@ucdavis.edu
Phone:(530) 752-7754, FAX:(530) 758-6140
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