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Re: Power Outages - DOE Richardson Blames Utilities Lack of Investment?!
I recall 4) as being "Rewarding of the Guilty" and 5) as being "Punishment
of the innocent".
Don Kosloff mailto:dkosloff@ncweb.com
2910 Main St., Perrry OH 44081
----- Original Message -----
From: <RadiumProj@cs.com>
To: Multiple recipients of list <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2000 1:50 PM
Subject: Power Outages - DOE Richardson Blames Utilities Lack of
> An interesting story from the Compuserve Main Page. Utilities per DOE's
> Richardson are guilty of not wanting to invest in generation capacity.
> about the many political and advocacy group pressures applied to utilities
> and government over the past 25 years forcing over 100 nuclear plant
> cancellations? I'm constantly reminded of the old joke about the several
> phases of any large project or endeavor [as best I can remember it]:
> 1) Initial euphoria
> 2) Disillusionment
> 3) Panic
> 4) Search for the Guilty
> 5) Blaming the innocent
> Stewart Farber
> Public Health Sciences
> email: radiumproj@cs.com
> ========================
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