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Radio-iodine sampling
I have been tasked with bringing some air samplers into service for
our emergency response program. We would like to have one of them
available for doing radio-iodine collection if the unlikely need
arises. When the samplers were initially purchased (a long time ago)
this was the obvious initial intent since they all have the ability
to hold multiple cartridges as well as the particulate filters. I
have both impregnated charcoal and silver zeolite cartridges for
these samplers. Since I have never done radio-iodine sampling, I
would like to know if the cartridges should be used together or
separately under different conditions. If both cartridges are to be
used together what order should they be in in the filter head? Since
I will have to generate some sort of procedure for doing the air
sampling I would also appreciate a copy of an existing procedure any
of you may have. If it seems like I am hoping that someone will just
present me with the complete answer to my problem it is because I am.
The amount of time that I have to dedicate to emergency response
preparation is pretty small so all help is appreciated. Thanks in
advance for any response.
*Kim Merritt, RRPT *
*Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory *
*Physics Directorate Safety Support Officer *
*phone: (925)423-9668 fax: (925)422-7160 *
*e-mail: merritt9@llnl.gov *
* *
*"If the only tool you own is a hammer, *
* every problem begins to resemble a nail." *
* Abraham Maslow *
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