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Re:Translocation Classification for Radionuclides
There are a number of tests that can be performed. Labs that perform such tests
will probably contact you in private because of your post. However, before
performing such tests, knowledge of the chemical form and a simple comparison to
uranium's metabolic data in ICRP-30 could save you a lot of money.
For example, if your facility handled only uranium metal which, when exposed to
the atmosphere, quickly oxidizes, then you could safely assume the contamination
is in Class-Y form. However, if your facility handled only green salt (UF4) or
orange oxide (UO3), then Class-W would be more appropriate.
If you don't have a clue on the uranium's chemical composition or some mixture
may be present, then you'll have to perform the tests or assume the worst-case
scenario (i.e., Class-Y).
I could fax you the relevant pages of ICRP-30, if needed.
Rodney Bauman, CHP, RRPT
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