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Re: Victims of the Nuclear Age
Perhaps she has a computer programs to do the writing.
Don Kosloff dkosloff1@email.msn.com
2910 Main Street, Perry OH 44081
----- Original Message -----
From: "Franz Schoenhofer" <schoenho@via.at>
To: "Multiple recipients of list" <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2000 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: Victims of the Nuclear Age
> At 11:14 18.07.2000 -0500, you wrote:
>Found the following e-mail (including Dr. Bertell's e-mail address) on the
>DOEWatch mailing list. Thought y'all would be interested.
>Jim Hardeman
> I made it two or three pages, but then I had a feeling like getting sick.
> It is incredible, how much nonsense was already written in the few pages I
> read. Mrs. Bertell probably employs several ghost writers, because where
> would she take the time, only to type so much. I do not believe that she
> would have to think of what she is writing, because everything is like in
> litany - all thoughts are preformed and well trained, so they appear
> automatically, using every "clichee" well proved in decades of constant
> repeat and touching peoples feelings - dead children, diseases, cancer,
> suicide, Chernobyl, Gulf War, Hiroshima - everything fixed to nuclear
> energy as the sole cause. Severe attacks to people and organisations
> ICRP etc.) not sharing her thoughts in the name of "humanity".
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