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Re: Over-regulation
> Remember, not all licensees have a real HP or they have an
> inexperienced one at best. Hospitals frequently name a
> physician or a medical physicist to be the RSO.
The RSO is, by definition, the individual named on a license that is
responsible for the radiation safety program of the licensee. The
regulatory agency issuing the license reviews the training and
experience of the proposed RSO and approves or rejects the
individual as RSO. So, if there is a problem with the level of
training and experience of RSOs it is because regulators have
allowed inappropriately trained individuals to become RSOs. In
other words, lack of regulations/ regulatory oversight for the
qualifications of the individual in this key position is being cited as
justification for overly prescriptive regulations (note that I did NOT
say overly regulated).
Kent Lambert
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