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Re: Environmental modeling position at EPA

When I am introduced by people as being from "the EPA"  I always take pains to indicate it is "Ohio EPA, the State, not the Feds."  


I think the sloppy, inane, or misleading wording of the job posting gives a clue to my attitude.  The inferences that arise from this wording, as has been pointed out by Andy Karam, is another reason.  I consider myself to be a rational human being, a scientist, not some Politically Correct flack that tailors my public statements to someone esle's political agenda.  Yes, I do have my own agenda based on my thoughts and experience, as do we all.  I just don't sell mine to the highet bidder.

These thoughts are obviously not those of my employer, and I am sorry to say there are folks at Ohio EPA that really don't "get" why I make the differentiation between State and Feds.

Zack Clayton
email:  zack.clayton@epa.state.oh.us
voice:  614-644-3066
fax:        614-460-8249

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