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Re: The Tooth Fairy project
In a message dated 8/14/2000 12:23:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time, PXM@nrc.gov
<< Norm and Radsafe folks,
At the risk of asking a very naive question (apologies to all if this has
been asked before) :If the tooth fairy project is convinced that nuclear
power plants are emitting Sr90 at such levels, why do they not sample the
water, air, soil and vegetation around all nuclear power plants? >>
Well, one possible answer is that the search is for publicity, not the truth.
Norm has already told us that he spends much of his time coordinating
campaigns to shut down his local nukes, while professing ignorance as to
whether or not there is any real reason to do so. As someone else has noted,
the power goes out, real people die, and Norm and his ilk go about seeking
some unspecified change to avoid some unproven or even impossible hazard.
Makes good press Norm, but employees lose their jobs and homes, stockholders
their money, and sick and elderly folks their lives while you fritter away in
your self-righteous ignorance. Sleep well tonight.
Lew LaGarde
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