I assume that the ingestion/inhalation of Sr-90 laden food or air occurs
during the first 5 or six years of a child's life. I can understand the
inhalation component being attributed to a nearby source (nucelar power
plant). But I doubt if my kids are eating any substantial amount of
locally grown produce or milk. I've lived within 10 miles from Connecticut
Yankee since 1980. My kids drink Hood milk, produced in
Massachusetts. Who knows where Gerber baby foods come from. Fruit
and veggies are imported anywhere from North Carolina to Costa Rica. My
dog eats the grass now and then but I don't care about his teeth.
Measuring the "body
burden" of the individual of concern seems legitimate if you can rule out
all other influences. What about the Sr-90 in cows' teeth?
Just an analog guy in a digital
Paul Prichard Millstone Station prichp@gwsmtp.nu.com (860) 437-2806 |