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Another Wash Post Article on Paducah
Another Paducah/plutonium article by the Post was published on Sunday. It's
located at
The article addresses an alleged cover-up of off-site plutonium
contamination. Although I haven't looked, the Paducah Sun probably ran a
similar story.
Contained within the article are the same old sensationalisms, such as,
"plutonium is regarded by many scientists as one of the deadliest substances
known," and, "A particle of plutonium as small as a millionth of an ounce,
if inhaled, can cause a fatal cancer." Of course, there is also a quote by
David Lochbaum, i.e., just to keep things sufficiently "balanced."
Rodney Bauman, CHP, RRPT
Weldon Spring Site Remedial Action Project
St. Charles, Missouri
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