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--------------------------------------------------- Fetal death and the nuclear industry 'We found no evidence of a link between exposure to low-level ionising radiation before conception and increased risk of adverse reproduction outcome in men working in the nuclear industry' The genetic effects of exposure to low-level ionising radiation are unclear. Most previous studies have concentrated on cancer in offspring and little work has been done on adverse reproductive outcome. Pat Doyle and colleagues analysed the pregnancies of nuclear industry workers in the UK to assess whether the offspring of men and women who are occupationally exposed to ionising radiation are at increased risk of fetal death and congenital malformation. The risks of fetal death and congenital malformation were not related to whether the father had been monitored before conception or to the dose of radiation received. The risk of early miscarriage and stillbirth was higher in mothers who had been monitored before conception. The risk of any major malformation was not associated with maternal monitoring, or dose received, before conception ===================================== Fred Dawson
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