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Re: Toothfairy strikes again....


If you follow back to the cited paper, its a rehash of old plots (er garbage,) from 1954 to 1970

No reputable scientist would plot SR-90 in baby teeth in St Louis versus childhood cancer incidence in Connecticut. (Hmm, maybe Connecticut IS downwind of St Louis.) 

Interestingly enough, that plot, and a similar plot of dietary uptake of Sr90 in NYNY versus the same plot of cancer rates in Connecticut both show the cancer rate plot LEADING the SR90 plot, rather than lagging, by a factor of 3-4 years.

Frank R. Borger - Physicist, Gammex RMI
fborger@gammex.com   phn: 608-828-7289 fax: 608-828-7500
These opinions are strictly mine, and not those of Gammex RMI
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medication, one third remained the same, and the other one
third could not be reported on, because that rat got away."
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