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WENRA says Temelin is safe [FW]

Radio Prague (Vysilani do zahranici CRo)
News 10.11.2000

Western Nuclear Regulators Association says Temelin is safe

According the annual report of the Western Nuclear Regulators Association,
the controversial nuclear power plant in south Bohemia, Temelin, conforms to
European norms. The Association, which unites the nuclear safety offices of
eight West European countries, identified two problem areas,
related to the recent failure of the plant's ventilation and cooling
systems, which need clarification but said that these do not necessitate a
halting of operations at the plant. The report, which assessed safety at
nuclear plants in the countries currently vying for membership in the
European Union, was strongly criticized by the Austrian environmental
organization Global 2000. The organization's spokeswoman, Andrea Paukovits,
described the report as scandalous and said it can by no means replace a
safety check of Temelin, which should be carried out by a team of
independent experts. Austria's opposition Social Democrats also criticised
the assessment.

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