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Re: Here we go again
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: John M Priest Jr <priestj@dteenergy.com>
An: Multiple recipients of list <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
Datum: Donnerstag, 22. Februar 2001 14:20
Betreff: Here we go again
>Time to cancel my United Way Donation to the Humane Society (with
>article). Another "panel of experts".
Regarding "Humane Society": Isn't this the well proved way of certain
groups, pretending to save the world (Greenpeace), to help the victims, to
fight "bureaucracy", to "support" citizens and to work for a Humane Society
to raise money, which is used in a totally different way? Sorry to say, but
I stopped donations of money for whatever purpose, except for organisations,
of which I know, that they use it to help people in underdeveloped countries
to develop on a small basis infrastructure like digging wells for clean
water, help to create small business to enable independence of a village.
Surprisingly catholic help organisations use this money nowadays for these
purposes and not to build churches - as they used to do in the past, calling
this a "mission".
Am I totally wrong, if I would call the activities of an organisation, which
organizes anti-nuclear meetings - probably paying a lot for the prominent
activists to attend and to bring forward their "arguments" - rather "fund
raising" than asking for donations?
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