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Re: Radon Web Site

There is a lot of bad information on the Radon Web Site:  For example, this paragraph:  "The fission of Uranium-238, the most common of the radioactive heavy metals, will never end. Its radioactive half-time, when a half of its atoms decays, is 4.5 billion years. And, the half-time of Thorium-232, also common in rocks and soils, is 14.1 billion years. Their decay chains produce radon isotopes: Radon-222 (the most common in homes) from Uranium-238 and Radon-220 (Thoron) from Thorium-232. The humankind is assured of a never-ending supply of radon. Radon-filled caves had likely killed many cavemen."

He has confused "fission" with "decay".  This is the second place I have seen someone make a statement about U-238 fissioning.   He uses the term "half-time" instead of "half-life".  The half-lives of U-238 and Thorium-232 are correct, as are the Radon isotopes.

The errors make me skeptical about the rest of the information provided.

Don Kosloff dkosloff1@msn.com

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