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Op-Ed in International Herald Tribune
Greetings All:
Following the recent publication of two pieces on in-flight radiation in the
International Herald Tribune, I was invited to write an opinion piece for the
newspaper. Although my comments were edited, what appeared was a reasonable
version of what I actually wrote.
The articles can be seen at:
The opinion piece is reproduced below, but if you want to see it on the web,
the address is:
NEW YORK: Although airlines have consistently attempted to avoid the issue of
in-flight radiation, the recent introduction of polar routes between North
America and the Far East has created flights which receive previously
unmatched levels of cosmic and solar radiation exposure. Many of them don't
know it, but for more than 10 years flight crew members in Europe and the
United States have been considered radiation workers. This classification
allows the application of exposure limits which, when compared with those
used for members of the public, are greater by a factor of 50 in the United
States and 20 in the European Union. Many flight attendants and pilots
receive a higher annual dose of radiation than workers at nuclear power
plants. Frequent fliers are also affected. Business travelers flying more
than 80,000 miles (128,000 kilometers) per year are also exposed to in-flight
radiation at levels that exceed the regulatory limit established for members
of the general public. Anyone flying faces increased cosmic radiation, but
periodic and unpredictable solar storms can raise levels very much higher.
These "charged particle events" may increase exposure rates to 50 times their
usual values. In other words, a single trip could give as much radiation
exposure to passengers or crew members as they would ordinarily receive in 50
trips. This circumstance has profound implications for pregnant crew members
and passengers. It is a U.S. legal requirement that people who are
occupationally exposed to radiation knowingly and willingly accept their
increased level of risk. This fundamental principle has been ignored in the
case of crew and frequent fliers. Following intense political lobbying, much
of it orchestrated by pilots' unions, the education of crew members about
in-flight radiation became the law in Europe, effective May 2000. By
contrast, the U.S. government has only made weak efforts on the issue. The
Federal Aviation Administration issued an advisory in 1994 to all air
carriers requesting that they educate their crew members about the health
risks of cosmic radiation. In the seven years since that advisory was
distributed no airline has put such training into place as a routine matter.
A few simple and responsible actions are needed. All crew members and
frequent fliers should be educated about in-flight radiation and the
associated health risks. These risks are small and are readily accepted by
thousands of traditional radiation workers throughout the world, but it is
only right that the affected individuals be provided with sound scientific
information to allow them to make their own decisions. I am most concerned
about pregnant fliers. Crew members and business travelers may exceed
recommended fetal dose limits. These limits are significantly lower than the
levels accepted for adult radiation workers. Although most experts believe
that the risks of in-flight radiation are small for pregnant women taking an
occasional pleasure trip, the significance of the vastly increased dose rate
caused by some solar flares cannot be overemphasized. During the handful of
times that solar flares occur in each 11-year solar cycle, the airlines
should inform all passengers. This would allow any concerned person to
postpone travel for a few hours. Such a decision could be of great importance
during a woman's first few weeks of pregnancy, a time when a human embryo is
particularly sensitive. Also, the news media need to report radiation issues
more responsibly and intelligently. The spill of a teaspoonful of radioactive
water, confined to the premises of a nuclear power plant, captivates media
attention even when there is no potential public health risk. By contrast, a
solar flare is ignored even if it will give 3 million airline passengers
whole-body radiation doses that are many times greater than normal.
Information about significant solar storms is readily available to all
weather forecasters and they should provide this information when warranted.
The writer, a medical and health physicist, is author of "The Invisible
Passenger: Radiation Risks for People Who Fly." He contributed this comment
to the International Herald Tribune
Rob Barish
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