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Re: Russian Reprocessing Spent Fuel
I think I remember we purchased weapons grade uranium from Russia and have it stored in Oak Ridge.
Tom Savin
On Wed, 6 Jun 2001 15:28:17
Paul William Shafer wrote:
>It now looks certain that Russia will start importing
>spent nuclear fuel for reprocessing into new fuel for
>nuclear reactors. One source indicated that they could
>handle up to 2,200 tons of spent fuel per year and
>another source indicated that within two years (after
>expansion of their already large and old facilities)
>they could handle up to 10,000 tons per year. Which
>ever is correct, Russia should now easily surpass
>France as the largest reprocessor of spent nuclear
>fuel. Are they willing to permanently take the fission
>products too or will these be "returned to sender?"
>I wonder if South Africa and China will follow this
>lead in order to make a profit from Pu-239.
>Perhaps the US doe not need Yucca Mtn. for SNM storage
>or "disposal." Maybe we should ship it to Russia
>instead of money and credit "to periodically bail out
>their economy?"
>Could be alot of nuclear, health physics, chemical
>engineering and environmental jobs in Russia in the
>next decade or so.
>Paul Shafer
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