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Re: death wish?
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Sandy Perle <sandyfl@EARTHLINK.NET>
An: radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu <radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu>;
powernet@hps1.org <powernet@hps1.org>
Datum: Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2001 19:59
Betreff: death wish?
There was an apparent glimmer of light when the Bush administration
proposed to focus on nuclear generated electricity, and, to
facilitate waste disposal facility operations, in order for the USA
to advance both technologically as well as economically. All was good
.. until Tom Daschle ascended to Majority Leader, stating that
nuclear power legislation is Dead On Arrival! Now we have UK's
Blair using the same rhetoric. What is with these politicians?
So, we obviously have a death wish. We're on our way to a self-
fulfilling prophecy. With public opinion favoring nuclear generated
power, what will it take for these self-serving politicians to see
the light? Well for one, nuclear power that will allow the light to
come on when they flip the switch!
Dear Sandy,
I understand your anger, but I think one should not adopt the attitude of
being one- track minded, not substitute hearsay for facts, not selectively
accept opinions and reports, which support ones own opinion. In our
profession we use to work with "probabilities" - so why not assign certain
probabilities of truth to certain news and mass media communications?
I know all too well, that my English is not good enough to express in many
cases the fine-tuning of the language, but you sure accept that my comment
is only intended as a source of discussion and not any severe agression!
To the facts:
Do you really believe that whatever Bush, Clinton, Blair, Schroeder etc say
is something fixed, which will open the door or close it to CO2-emission,
global warming, depletion of oil resources, role of hydroelectric power
generation? ... Oh, wasn't there another source of energy- (electricity-)
generation - nuclear power? Please accept that nuclear power plays in
political reasoning a very small role. It sure is not neglactable, but the
major issues are others. Do you really believe that the German Nuclear Power
Plants will be closed? The coalition of Socialists and Greens demands it.
But there will be elections within a few years - and who guarantees that the
same government will be in force - actually nobody thinks that this will
happen. Please accept that Nuclear Power is not a scientific question, but
only a political one, where pressure groups can well interfere, citing the
opinion polls like "Do you want to have your electricity produced by deadly
nuclear power plants rather than by clean and safe solar power?" Are you
surprised that these opinion polls result in a result against nuclear power?
The current energy crisis, where demand exceeds supply, is only the
tip of the iceberg.
This is your situation in the USA. In Europe the price of electricity is
going down considerably, because there is a surplus of electricity, which is
most likely caused by the very strong nuclear electricity generation in
Please do not forget that the USA is not all of the world.
It is apparent that US politicians (democrats
mostly), are going to throw us back into the dark ages. We will
continue to become more dependent on foreign sources of energy, and
in the end, will most likely become subservient to their needs.
No European country is self dependent on its own resources. and we still
survive. It is a question of diplomacy, politics and economics to assure
supply. No European country has become subservient to any Middle East
Country. The oil producing countries have to sell their oil and to withhold
it would severely damage their economy - like in natural science there is
also an economic equilibrium, which cannot be disturbed without major
economic problems.
Anyone remember our fighting men in Kuwait? If it weren't for oil, do
you think we would have been there? The answer is clear ..
The answer you think clear is not the one you expect. All to my knowledge
there were hardly any oil exports from this region to the USA - but the USA
had a "face" to loose in this region, the attempts of Iraque to produce a
nuclear weapon were well known and therefore the Gulf War provided an
internationally accepted possibility to stop these attempts.
it took
about 5 years before our fighting men went to the Balkans to stop
genocide. Too bad there wasn't oil in "them darn hills"!!
I do not share this opinion. Since in Kuwait the oil was not the reason, it
would even less have been in Serbia. (The USA did not care about the war
crimes committed by "Yugoslavia" in Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia, only when
the situation escalated in Kosovo and the European Union urged an
intervention the USA responded.) Obviously ethnic problems - so very common
in the USA - are not considered as serious in other parts of the world. Can
you tell me any reasonable reason why the Serbs bombed Dubrovnik - I suppose
you recently could not avoid to notice what has happened? This was not oil,
this was not nuclear power!
I think that my comments might be some food for thoughts.....
Best regards,.
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