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RE: So, is reprocessing in America's future?
However, terrorist groups want publicity, so they would obviously notify
someone - probably the media, who would more than willingly aid them in
spreading the terror they were trying to create. There would be no point in
doing it if they didn't take credit for it.
Tim Allen
Senior Laboratory Technician / Radiation Safety Technician
601A Bicentennial Hall
Middlebury College
Middlebury, VT 05753
> ----------
> From: Stokes, James
> Reply To: Stokes, James
> Sent: Thursday, July 5, 2001 11:40 AM
> To: 'Bernard L Cohen '; 'NECNP '
> Cc: 'radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu '
> Subject: RE: So, is reprocessing in America's future?
> The concept of using a radioactive dispersal device has been around for
> over
> a hundred years. Jules Vernes used the idea in one of his books.
> However,
> as a terrorist device, it would not work as well. Since No agency or
> organization currently surveys for radioactive materials at the seen of an
> explosive blast, NO ONE would know it was there, and it would have no
> "terror" effect. You can't be afraid of something that you don't know
> about.
> That folks, is reality.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bernard L Cohen
> Cc: radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu
> Sent: 7/5/01 10:51 AM
> Subject: RE: So, is reprocessing in America's future?
> On Tue, 3 Jul 2001, NECNP wrote:
> > Actually, weapons grade plutonium is needed only to create "clean"
> > weapons. One can still get a critical mass from reactor grade
> plutonium,
> > or barring that one could just use it to contaminate an area. It
> would be
> > a simple matter for a terrorist to contaminate something like the
> elevators
> > in the World Trade Center and have the non-weapons grade plutonium
> tracked
> > all through the buildings shutting them down for a long time. It
> really
> > doesn't need to be a bomb.
> You don't need plutonium for that. Cs-137 or any other
> radioisotope would be much more effective than Pu and very easy to
> obtain.
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