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RE: So, is reprocessing in America's future?

Actually, Mr Stokes, a phone call would do wonders to create the panic and 

if a quick survey resulting from the phone call then confirmed the 

contamination, i think the terror effect would be pretty well established.

That, I'm afraid, is reality.

D. Pyles

At 10:51 AM 07/05/2001 -0500, James Stokes wrote:

>The concept of using a radioactive dispersal device has been around for over

>a hundred years.  Jules Vernes used the idea in one of his books.  However,

>as a terrorist device, it would not work as well.  Since No agency or

>organization currently surveys for radioactive materials at the seen of an

>explosive blast, NO ONE would know it was there, and it would have no

>"terror" effect.  You can't be afraid of something that you don't know



>That folks, is reality.


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