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RE: American AntiNuclear Movement

Thomas Potter wrote:

-----Original Message-----

From: Thomas E. Potter [mailto:pottert@erols.com]

Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 12:46 PM


Subject: Re: American AntiNuclear Movement

Thanks to Ruth Weiner for her interesting and valuable insider's view of

the development of the anti-nuclear movement and one woman's relation

to it.  (Looks to me like there could be a book there.)  I would also


Ruth, if she would, to share with us the titles of her favorite books

about the

development of the anti-nuclear movement and the broader environmental




Well, I'm not Ruth, but development of environmental organizations is precisely

the topic of an excellent book, Risk and Culture, by sociology's odd couple,

Mary Douglas and Aaron Wildavsky.

Amazon has a brief NYT review snippet:

Editorial Reviews

New York Times 

Offering what they call a cultural theory of risk perception, the authors

suggest that peoples

complaints about hazards should never be taken at face value. One must look

further to discover

what forms of social organization are being defended or attacked. 

Best regards.

Jim Dukelow

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Richland, WA



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