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Re: So, is reprocessing in America's future?

This is just my two cents, since everyone else is piping in.  What needs to

be said is that if somebody REALLY wants fissionable material, for a device

or just to scatter isotopes all over the place, they WILL get it.  You're

not dealing with cretins.  You are dealing with educated leaders,

knowledgeable support personnel and LOTS of money.  Reprocessing is not the

problem, or at least not the problem the press makes it out to be.  There

is already plenty of material out there available for use, and for a lot

less trouble and expense than stealing it from a reprocessing facility or

fuel shipment.  Heck, if I were a terrorist I could make plenty of people

miserable and scared by touching-off a plain old chemical bomb with medical

isotopes and source material strapped to it.  People don't care how the

radiation is spread around or even what the isotopes are, all they know is

that radiation is evil stuff and that we all lie.  Again, we need to

educate people.  Maybe we should start with the press corps.

"Just my humble opinions.  Nothing I say is endorsed by my employer.  I

also DO NOT endorse terrorism."



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