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boycott Mr. Shadis


Franz Schoenhofer

Habicherg. 31/7

A-1160 Vienna, AUSTRIA

Phone: -43 699 11681319

e-mail: franz.schoenhofer@chello.at


MR Dr. Franz Schoenhofer

Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management

Dep. I/8U, Radiation Protection

Radetzkystr. 2

A-1031 Vienna, AUSTRIA

phone: +43-1-71100-4458

fax: +43-1-7122331

e-mail: franz.schoenhofer@bmu.gv.at

I noticed, that Mr. Shadis is obviously not giving up.

I recommend to boycott his messages as we have done some time ago with

another person, who wanted to tell us, what radiation is. I have politely

asked Mr. Shadis to stop sending messages with his usual contents - you can

read that on RADSAFE.

Best regards,



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