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WARNING, mail and suspicious attachment
Franz Schoenhofer
Habicherg. 31/7
A-1160 Vienna, AUSTRIA
Phone: -43 699 11681319
e-mail: franz.schoenhofer@chello.at
MR Dr. Franz Schoenhofer
Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management
Dep. I/8U, Radiation Protection
Radetzkystr. 2
A-1031 Vienna, AUSTRIA
phone: +43-1-71100-4458
fax: +43-1-7122331
e-mail: franz.schoenhofer@bmu.gv.at
Hi all,
I received today a mail from Roy C. Craft, CHP (who has previously sent
messages to RADSAFE), no address, reg. was "per watch or 200 microcuries",
the message was "Timepiece" and there was an attachment "CFGWIZ32.EXE (94.4
I have not opened the attachment, because it is very suspicious to me. The
Norton Virus Protection gave no alarm, but it has previously several times
not alarmed, when real viruses were transmitted.
Is there anyone who has more information - maybe Roy can comment.
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