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Re: "Nuclear Waste Really Does Have A Home"

July 27, 2001

Davis, CA

The IBD article is primarily about so-called "high level radioactive

waste". Of course, for Class A, B, and C low level radioactive waste

(LLRW), current methods of near surface disposal are used.      

Burial of LLRW within the approved classes and quantities has proved to be

a safe, cost effective, and appropriate method for disposal of LLRW. There

are reliable procedures and regulations for the construction, licensing,

and operation of LLRW burial facilities in the provisions of Federal Law as

delineated in Title 10, Part 61 of the Code of Federal Regulations.



Prof. Otto G. Raabe, Ph.D., CHP

Institute of Toxicology & Environmental Health

(Street Address: Bldg. 3792, Old Davis Road) 

University of California, Davis, CA 95616

E-Mail: ograabe@ucdavis.edu

Phone: (530) 752-7754   FAX: (530) 758-6140



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