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Re: "Nuclear Waste Really Does Have A Home"

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----

Von: Otto G. Raabe <ograabe@UCDAVIS.EDU>

An: radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu <radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu>;

powernet@hps1.org <powernet@hps1.org>

Datum: Freitag, 27. Juli 2001 21:06

Betreff: "Nuclear Waste Really Does Have A Home"

>July 27, 2001

>Davis, CA

Thank you, Otto, for a radiation related topic.....

They quote from a 1982 edition of Chemical and Engineering

>News: "Safe high level waste disposal is possible and has been for

>years...burying these waste permanently in deep geological formations.

>These formations have been stable for millions of years and are expected to

>remain so for millions of years more."

I have been at a conference organized by the IAEA on Waste Disposal in

Cordoba, Spain in March 2000. From what has been discussed there, it seems

that the trend is to dispose waste in surface or near surface disposal

facilities - so called retrievable ones. This holds for sure for low- and

intermediate level waste. (How to retrieve drums, which have been encased in

concrete in a concrete structure, is another question.)

What is the philosophy, the options and the plans as of July 2001?



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