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RE: Compensation of survivors
Tom Savin
Hmmmmm Very interesting........ and here I thought an ounce (pound?) of Pu was enough to kill eveyone on the earth! I'm glad he survived that incident - seriously!
Enjoy - Tom
On Thu, 16 Aug 2001 09:20:52
Simmons, Michael wrote:
>Ruth and others-
>Here is another perspective on the whole compensation issue:
>On June 14, 1957 a chemical explosion involving Pu nitrate occurred at Rocky
>Flats. While precipitating Pu metal from nitrate, excessive impurities and
>restricted vent lines caused a glovebox to literally explode, sending shards
>of pyrex, glass and solution in all directions. One employee received
>uptake by all three methods, ingestion, inhalation and injection
>simultaneously, as well as chemical burns to his skin.
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