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Re: medical misadventures
Dear Bill,
At 07:18 6/09/01 -0400, William V Lipton wrote:
> Virtually every major event at a power reactor is reviewed by other power
> reactors to determine whether they are vulnerable to a simlar event, and
> corrective actions are taken, as appropriate. I don't see that happening
> in the medical hp community. Informal information exchange is important,
> but you should also have procedures that assure documented reviews of key
> events.
I can assure you that reviews of incidents DOES occur in the medical
community. In NSW Australia, we have an informal organisation known as
HURSOG (Hospital and University Radiation Safety Officer's Group).
At our meetings, every 2 months, one of the most important standing agenda
items is a discussion of radiation incidents, including medical
misadministrations. Significant changes in procedures have occurred as a
result of these discussions. This has led to the preparation of guidelines,
in conjunction with the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear
Medicine, to minimise misadministrations in nuclear medicine procedures, .
These guidelines are available at:
The adoption of these guidelines has significantly reduced the incidents.
Kind regards
Richard Smart PhD
Principal Physicist and Radiation Safety Officer
Nuclear Medicine Department
St. George Hospital
NSW, 2217, Australia
Tel: (61 2) 9350 3129
Fax: (61 2) 9350 3991
email: r.smart@unsw.edu.au
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